Small Business Champions 2025 by The ICC, ITC, and the WTO MSME Group in partnership with UNCTAD
The ICC, ITC, and the WTO MSME Group in partnership with UNCTAD, are calling for applications from
initiatives that either help MSMEs enter the circular economy or by small businesses themselves that
are active in the circular economy. Small businesses, industry associations, chambers of commerce
and non-governmental organizations are invited to submit their innovative business, project or
support ideas by 28 March 2025.
What are we looking for?
• Initiatives that are, for example, awareness-raising campaigns, competitions, capacity
building, training, mentoring and networking programmes related to the circular economy.
• Small businesses active in the circular economy with an innovative business concept that,
through its operations, reduces, prevents or repurposes waste in equivalent conventional
business models.
• Applications should have a clear link to international trade and include an action plan. For
examples from past competitions, please see the MSME Group Small Business Champions
How to submit applications
Proposals are open to small businesses, enterprises, industry associations, chambers of commerce
and non-governmental organizations and should be submitted through the following weblink:
Selection process
The selection of proposals will be carried out by ICC, ITC, UN Trade and Development and WTO
MSME Group representatives. The winner(s) will be announced in the presence of the four participating organizations at the WTO
in Geneva on MSME Day, 27 June 2025.
LEARN MORE ON https://www.wto.org/english/forums_e/business_e/call_for_applications_2025_e.pdf