Small Business Loans

Small Business Loans

The Small Business Loans are designed to meet the unique needs of entrepreneurs, without the requirement of collateral or security. However, for high loan amounts, collateral or security may be necessary.

The loans are tailored to support small businesses and provide the necessary funding to help you grow and succeed.

We work with a range of financial partners, including Equity Bank, Pezesha, Lipa Later, Absa Bank, Hustler Fund, Widu and others, to ensure that we offer you the best possible financing options.

What you need to know


The Small Business Loans are collateral-free. Higher amounts may require a security.

Small Biz

Amounts: Ksh 500 - 1M. One can borrow multiple times as they repay.


Loan repayment durations are 7 Days to 12 Months. Other Providers may provide repayment period of up to 36 months for high amounts.

Loan Application Process

Step 1: Loan application

Step 2: Loan processing - additional documents like ID copy, Mobile Money statement, business permit copy may be requested.

Step 3: Decision and loan disbursement for approved cases.